Clubs and Activities provide Mt. Ararat Middle School students with new learning, skill development, and, most importantly, fun!
Current offerings:
BOB Book Club-Ms. Silverman ([email protected])
Band & Jazz Band-Mr. Hyssong ([email protected])
Eagles Chorus-Ms. Day
Civil Rights Team-Ms. Lera ([email protected])
Civil Rights Team-Ms.Lera
Debate Team-Ms. Ackely- ([email protected])
Fitness & Weightlifting Club-Mr. Wheelock ([email protected])
Intramurals ([email protected]) (Starts April 25th)
Math Team-Mr. Stevens ([email protected])
Pride Club-Ms. Calderwood ([email protected])
Science Club (Starts in January)-Ms. Vandenberg ([email protected])
Student Council-Ms. Marks ([email protected])
Yearbook Club-Ms. Rioux ([email protected])
Past Offerings
Art Club-Ms. McHugh and Mr. Valentine
([email protected]) ([email protected])
Cube Club-Ms. Day-([email protected])
Dungeons & Dragons (Full)-Nathan Valentine ([email protected] )
Guitar Club
8th Grade Mural Group
Card Club
Interact Club
Nordic Ski Team
Magic The Gathering Club
Tennis Club
More information on each of these clubs will be available in the MAMS Update and through Daily News. Middle School is a great time to try something new!
The EAGLE Ambassador Program is dedicated to fostering leadership and community service skills in Mt. Ararat Middle School students. EAGLE Ambassadors represent the MAMS community during many of the school’s special functions. Ambassadors provide a warm and personal welcome to new students and families during the annual Sixth Grade Open House. They answer questions and escort guests around the building during Curriculum Night and Parent/Teacher Conferences. They may be asked to host visiting students, to give school tours to guests, to welcome new substitute teachers, or to assist during whole-school events. The EAGLE Ambassador Program is a great way for students to give back to their school, while making new friends!
Applications for the EAGLE Ambassador Program are accepted each spring for the following school year.
Mt. Ararat Middle School currently offers the following school-based and community-based athletic teams:
Fall: 7th and 8th grade soccer; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls field hockey; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade cross country; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade tennis (organized by parents/volunteers); and 6th, 7th, and 8th grade football (administered by BAYFL--Brunswick Area Youth Football League).
Winter: 7th and 8th grade basketball; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade wrestling; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade cheerleading (organized by parents/volunteers); 6th, 7th and 8th grade ice hockey (community-based team); and 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Nordic skiing (community-based team).
Spring: 7th and 8th grade girls softball; 7th and 8th grade boys baseball; 6th, 7th, and 8th grade track; and 6th, 7th, and 8th grade lacrosse (community-based team).
Please note: Community-based teams are not sponsored, organized, or administrated by the Mt. Ararat Athletic Department.
Mt. Ararat Middle School belongs to the Western Maine Conference and the Cumberland County Conference.
Starting dates for signups in the fall begin during the first week of school. All starting dates are set for winter and spring sports seasons by league representatives. Normally the winter season begins during the second week in November and the spring season begins during the last week in March. Student athletes are only permitted to play one sport per season. However, since wrestling has a staggered start, anyone playing basketball may wrestle. Communications with both coaches must take place first.
The following sports practice and host games at Mt. Ararat Middle School: soccer, field hockey, cross-country, basketball, softball, and baseball. Wrestling practices at the middle school, but hosts their meets at the middle and high school. Spring track holds practice and home meets at the high school.
All students coming into Mt. Ararat Middle School will need to have a physical examination prior to participating in any after school athletic activity. They will not need to have another examination until they choose to participate in athletics in high school. All students must have proof of insurance prior to participating on any team. Student insurance can be purchased through the school. An insurance packet can be picked up at the Main Office.
While it is very important to have as many students as possible involved in our athletic teams, there does come a time when common sense needs to be used when determining how many students will be kept for each team. Maximum participation numbers have been suggested for each sport, yet some leeway is given to each coach based on their confidence in dealing with larger numbers than suggested. Selection to teams, when team size is limited, will be determined by some or all of the following criteria: skill level, knowledge of the game, attitude, dependability, cooperation, academic standing, responsibility, and citizenship. It will always be the responsibility of the coach to determine playing time. However, on the middle school level, every student who fulfills team expectations should receive fair and meaningful playing time. In all cases, questions about any student’s role/participation on a team should initially be directed to the coach.